
Author of UFO Designs and The Extraterrestrial Data Collection Center Lives in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. Click to view my Alien, Angelic and paranormal encounters.Edit Profile
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Multitabbed widget removed but Light Box problem now arisen

In an unfortunate decision I have removed the multi-tabbed widget from the right side column because the Light Box Image Viewer code interferes with that widget and prevents it from functioning. I had to decide which feature I wanted the most, although I would prefer to have both. But I can't, not at this point in time anyway. Well, not until I become more familiar with both lots of code and become more experienced with them both.

So, I am keeping the Light Box Image Viewer feature on this blog / template. I have checked out this blog in Google Chrome, and to my horror the image of myself in my previous post will not close when clicked on. I had to go back a page to close the Light Box Image Viewer down. So, it looks like the problem here is, the size of the image in the Image Viewer determines whether the close function will work or not. The other two images, from the previous post, had no problems with closing in Google Chrome, which is a good sign. I only need to set a maximum width and height for all photos/images in the Image Viewer and it should work perfectly again. I did not have this problem with Firefox at all.

When doing things like adding new features to any of my blogs' templates, I spend more time trying to get it to work on all 3 web browsers (Internet Explorer 7, Google Chrome, and Firefox) than anything else. It is so time consuming but it is worth it in the end. And depending upon the nature of the problem it could take me an hour or several days to fix the problem. As I've said elsewhere, I am not a computer geek, and not very educated with HTML, javascript, or css codes. But I know enough to make things work on Blogger and I can usually solve most problems that arise.

As I have labelled my own career - if I had to pick one - I'm a Blogger template designer. It is my speciality, so it seems. I spend probably too much time creating new templates, and it isn't an easy thing to do really. I especially love making UFO templates, and already have made 4 different looking ones, and anyone can download them for free and use them on their own blog/s. Its funny but people have decided to download my templates but whether they have used them or not on their own blog is another story. No-one has said anything to me about having used them on their own blog/s. I guess I will never know really.

Anyway, I'm hoping to sort out this problem with the larger images in Google Chrome in the next 24 hours. It shouldn't take that long really.

Testing Light Box Image Viewer function

This is a photo of myself. I have read that you first add the javascript code to your template, save it, then add the appropriate code to each image you want displayed in a Light Box Image Viewer. So, I will be adding the code to this image of myself whilst still editing this blog post. You add the code in the "Edit HTML" section to the photo's code that you just uploaded.

So, here goes nothing!

Well, it works. This photo when clicked on is a pretty huge photo - you actually have to scroll to view it all. All the code I added to the photo was

rel="lightbox" title="Your image Caption" and I added it just before the image border code and had to add a space after the previous lot of code. The important thing to remember is to not delete any code in the code for the image itself. I'll add a pic below which I copied off the original website to show where the code goes.

In Image 1 (left image) I followed the instructions as per required but I did not do the instructions for image 2 because that particular code was not visible in my "Edit HTML" section of the photo I uploaded.

Faceblog's newest feature

I just added a multi-tabbed widget in the right sidebar for displaying videos, labels and the blog archive. I always wanted to try and do this and I have finally succeeded at adding this neat little function. Now I can rest knowing I have actually achieved something worthwhile.

These posts are getting as short as Facebook's posts. I guess there isn't much to talk about these days.

The Original faceblog template

This Blogger template design is created entirely by me but was originally for my brother, Daniel. He decided on some changes for how he wanted the template to look but I decided to place the original design that I was working on, on one of my other blogs (this blog). I like this original design over the changes that Daniel wanted. I will be working on both design styles to see which one will look better.

I really want to do a lot of things to this template, and I just want to be left to create  my own faceblog theme, even though my brother does have some really good ideas. I want this template design to be my own idea with my own suggestions for features and its layout.

The other faceblog template design is over at http://faceblogtemplate.blogspot.com/
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